Meet the Guru

My garden is where I find harmony, balance, serenity, mindfulness, and inner peace. Every day I am there, re-imagining, always planting, improving.
My earliest memories go back to gardening with my great grandmother at her home in Barrie, and learning about growing tomato plants with my granddad in Hamilton. It has been a passion throughout my entire life, a skill refined through trial and error.
During my university days I ran a home and garden care business with a friend that helped me cover my school costs. While living and teaching in Japan, I studied gardening techniques (the art of Bonsai). I have designed, grown and nurtured larger perennial gardens in all the homes I have owned, as well as the homes of both family and friends. I have maintained a vegetable plot at the Dominion Seed Community Garden in Georgetown for the past eight years.
I can help you build a home garden basically anywhere there is sun or shade.